“Nature hides her secret because of her essential loftiness, but not by means of ruse.”
Albert Einstein, 1923
To the picture on the right side:
“This picture is based on data of the Meteosat satellite. It seems to always “stand” above the same point, because it rotates exactly with the rotation of the Earth. The satellite serves one of the typical space applications, i.e. observation of weather patterns and weather forecasts, including warnings of gale and thunderstorm.” (German Aerospace Center DLR)

Sound document: Intro – in English
Albert Einstein, the great thinker of modern times. He, who revolutionized the physics of his time and turned our understanding of space, time and gravitation upside down, was not only a great scientist but also a great man and a symbol for the peace and freedom in the world.
This website shall inform about the fascinating life of this man.
Immerse into an interesting and exciting life. Welcome to the internet portal “Albert Einstein in the World Wide Web”.
Sound document: Intro – in German
Albert Einstein der große Denker der Neuzeit. Er, der die Physik seiner Zeit revolutionierte und unser Verständnis von Raum, Zeit und Gravitation grundlegend veränderte war nicht nur ein großer Naturwissenschaftler, er war auch ein großer Mensch und ein Symbol für den Frieden und Freiheit in der Welt.
Die Intention dieser Internetseite ist es, über das faszinierende Leben dieses Mannes zu informieren.
Tauchen Sie also ein in ein interessantes und spannendes Leben. Willkommen im Internetportal „Albert Einstein in the World Wide Web“.
Illustrations credits:
German Aerospace Center DLR: 1