“With this attitude look at the results of the creation which this exhibition offers the astonished senses of the visitors.”
Albert Einstein of the opening of the 7th German Radio and Audio Show in Berlin, August 22, 1930
The new (June 2022), here present website “Albert Einstein in the World Wide Web” (einstein-website.de) runs on all common desktop and mobile devices. The respective navigation is similar.

When navigating via pull-down menus, this website uses three different additional symbols (● ○ ▸).

When touching the mouse pointer of one of the subject areas, e.g. “BIOGRAPHY”, the respective menu will open (Fig. 2). The subpages in the menu always show additional symbols (● ○ ▸).
If there is a filled circle in front of a subpage, but no other symbol, then clicking on it will open this subpage, e.g. “● Timeline”, and display the content.
If there is an unfilled circle in front of a subpage, then clicking on it will not show a reaction, since the subpage has no content, e.g. “○ Germany ▸” (Fig. 3). However, if an unfilled circle is used, there is always an arrow pointing to the right at the end of the subpage, e.g. “○ Germany ▸”. This arrow means NEXT. This means that when touched, another menu will open.

The filled circle in front of the subpage “● Ulm” shows that it has content, but it does not go any further. The term “○ Berlin ▸” shows that the subpage has no content, but it continues because of the arrow.
A special case is a filled circle in front of the subpage, followed by an arrow pointing to the right, e.g. “● Caputh ▸”. Here, the subpage has content, but it also continues because of the arrow.
To display the respective content, you have to click on the subpage.
On each page, there is the possibility to directly change the language (English / German).
When using the website, e.g. on a smartphone, the display of the start page changes to the extent that the subject areas are no longer displayed directly, but the Hamburg menu symbol (3 dashes symbol) is displayed.

Only when clicking on the 3 dashes symbol, the subject areas will be displayed (Fig. 5).
The further navigation then corresponds to the one indicated above. Clicking on HOME will lead back to the start page (Fig. 4).
Illustrations Credits:
Archive of the author: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5