“I am often troubled by the thought that my life is based to such a large extent on the work of my
fellow human beings, and I am aware of my great indebtedness to them.”
Albert Einstein’s Credo, 1932
This page is offered by:
Website development:
Hans-Josef Küpper

Design / Logo:
ConceptiK – Ira Küpper-Bredtmann
Agency for digital and print media

Modus Verbi – Gabriele Ritter

Prof. Dr. Heinz Günter Stosch
Dr. Alexander Küpper
Hans-Josef Küpper
Digitization of the record “My Credo” by Albert Einstein
Audio engineering

Other authors:
in alphabetical order
Karel Koupil, Dr. Adolf Meichle, Fritz Staudacher, Barbara Wolff, Sebastian Wolff
Web host:
Here I wish to thank all those people who have contributed to this website. My special thanks apply for Albert Einstein Archives in Jerusalem and the Einstein Papers Project in Passadena.
Hans-Josef Küpper, Cologne, in the Juni 2022
Illustrations Credits – Homepage (Slide show):
Abb. 1: Ulmer Stadtarchiv; Abb. 2: Public Domain; Abb. 3: Archives of the author; Abb. 4: Dr. Torsten Hehl, Tübingen; Abb. 5: Public Domain; Abb. 6: German Aerospace Center DLR; Abb.7: Alexander Küpper; Abb. 8: Public Domain; Abb. 9: Universitätsarchiv Rostock; Abb. 10: Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Konrad-Wachsmann-Archiv; Abb. 11: Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv, Frankfurt am Main; Abb. 12: Redaktion der Zeitschrift „Die Yacht“; Abb. 13: Archives of the author; Abb. 14: Public Domain; Abb. 15: Princeton University Press
Most of the quotations of Einstein cited on this website were taken from the books:
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 1 – 17 | Princeton 1987 – 2024 | |
Alice Calaprice | The Quotable Einstein | Princeton 1996 |